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You can't. You won't battle Lucas as Dawn, or battle Dawn as Lucas.

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Q: How do you get to battle Lucas in Pokemon?
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Where find lucas on Pokemon diamond?

Lucas will appear at set times within the story, but once you've completed the game he will be in the Fight Area every weekend wanting to battle.

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Battle of Lucas Bend happened on 1862-01-11.

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Who is lucas in Pokemon?

Well you can name your friend Lucas lol

In Pokemon diamond can you battle trainers again?

you will get a vs. seeker from Dawn or Lucas you need to walk 100 steps to charge it.

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go to mount cornet on rt 207 and Dawn/Lucas walks up choose the left hand and she givces it to u

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Lucas has a Monferno.

Does Dawn like Lucas in Pokemon?

I haven't seen the episode with Lucas in it. But in the game they do

Who is lucas in Pokemon Diamond and pearl?

Hi Lucas is the professers assistant. He has the third starter Pokemon (the one you or your rival haven't picked).

Can you get drowzee in Pokemon ruby?

no it is a kanto Pokemon

What are the pokemon characters names?

they are dawn and lucas

What is battle revolution in Pokemon?

Pokemon Battle Revolution is the Pokemon game for the Nintendo Wii, and you basically battle, battle, and, what did I forget? Oh yeah, BATTLE!