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After you beat the seventh gym, walk outside and Bill will be waiting for you. He will give you the tri-pass which allows you to go to islands 1, 2, and 3. After you have obtained the tri-pass, go to Vermillion's harbour to go to the islands.

*If you want to go to islands 4, 5, 6, and 7 you have to beat the elite four, then go to island 1 and talk to Celio. Help Celio and he will give you the pass to the other 4 islands*
Beat blaine in the cinnabar island gym and bill will be there he will ask you if you want to go and if you said no he will still be on the island and if you want to go back to one island for a second time go to vermilion city and go to the place the ss. anne was. :)
You have to beat the gym leader in cinabar island first. Then Bill will take you to one island on his boat
When you defeat Blane the cinnabar gym leader bill will be waiting outside for you if you say no you meet him at the cinnabar Pokemon center. He is siting on a chair around the table

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10y ago
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11y ago

You need to get the Aurora Ticket.
You cant without a special ticket obtained at events that havn't been held in about 5 years, GameShark or action replay using the codes. :) hope this helped

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13y ago

Island 8 (Navel Rock) is accessed with the Mystery Ticket, a Nintendo event item that is no longer available. If you did get the Mystery Ticket before they stopped having Nintendo events for it, you can get the legendary Pokemon Lugia and Ho-oh.

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13y ago

there is a software known as " game shark" (or you could use a "action replay")

get that specific item from eBay or amazon or whatever.

when you get one, turn your computer on and look for the code for 10 island.

after that, do what the manual tells you to do and voilla!

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11y ago

you beat the elite four go talk to Celio on island 1 and you get him the ruby then give him that and he says i need a sapphire and gives you a rainbow pass
# After you beat the elite four catch 60 Pokemon then go talk to Professor Oak. He will give you National Dex. # # Then go to Island 1 and talk to Celio in front of the machine he will ask you to get the ruby. # Go to Mount Ember and battle the two team rocket grunts. Go through the tunnel and you should find the ruby. # Go back and give it to Celio. He will give you the rainbow pass so you can go to Islands 4,5,6 & 7.
# On the islands get the sapphire. Give it to Celio. Then you can get to those Islands and trade with Ruby and Sapphire.

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15y ago

first, u beat the elite 4, then, u can access four island

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13y ago

u go to island one and get the red ruby . then talk to celio at the Pokemon center and he will gve you a rainbow pass and u can go to four island!!!!!!

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13y ago

You have to teach a Pokemon the HM surf and surf over there.

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Q: How do you get to One Island on Pokemon FireRed?
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