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you have to get the boat pass from a Nintendo event. none are going on ATM and the ones that aregoin to happen are going to be Pokemon platinum

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Q: How do you get to Island 8 on Pokemon Fire Red without having to cheat?
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No, but you can do it without a cheat.

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u cant. you have to cheat or du the event which has ended so if you dont cheat know youre out of luck.

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By using cheat code.

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you can not it is a cheat

How do you get island 9 in Pokemon leafgreen whithuot doing any cheat or an Nintendo event?

There isn't a way to get to 9th island without cheating or using Nintendo events this also counts with the 8th island.

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There is no way of getting Pokemon without catching them, unless you cheat.

Is there a way to get to the Birth island on firered Pokemon without a connection?

Sadly, no. Unless you cheat with a Game Shark. Beware if you do that though, you game can fry out. Peace~

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cheat ,nindendo event

How do you get a Pokemon to walk by your side without going to amity park on Pokemon Diamond?

it is impossible to do that without a cheat or code, in order to get a cheat or code u must have an R4 or and chip that's knows cheats for Pokemon is impossible to do that without a cheat or code, in order to get a cheat or code u must have an R4 or and chip that's knows cheats for Pokemon diamond.