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First beat the fourth gym as soon as you come out your rival i.e may if you have chosen a boy player will come out and give you the gogo you can go into the desert

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Q: How do you get through the desert on Pokemon emerald?
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Route 111 (Desert)

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You can get a rigirock on Pokemon Emerald in the Desert Ruins.But you need to unlock the Rigi's though,before you can attempt this.

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You can find it in the Desert Underpass.

Where is Rigrock?

in the desert on Pokemon emerald,sapphire,and ruby EASY

Where can you find a fossil in Pokemon emerald?

In the desert and in mirage tower.

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u have to have the goggles to get through the desert then go straight north from the town with the submarine thingy

Where is mirrage tower in Pokemon Emerald?

in the desert at a sertant time of day

Where is the desert under pass on Pokemon emerald?

try the marig tower

How do get fossils in Pokemon Emerald?

go into the desert,and find the mirage tower

Where to catch a Mewtwo in Pokemon emerald?

can only get mewtwo through trade in Pokemon emerald