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By going through it. Just keep trying, and make sure you have a Pokemon that knows the move Flash.

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Q: How do you get through mt moon?
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Can you get through mt moon?

In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, you can go through Mt. Moon, but the cave is very small and can be explored through in five minutes with Pokemon repellent.

How do you get through mt moon on chaosblack?

You can't. It stops working.

How do you get to cerulean city in LeafGreen?

You have to go through Mt. Moon

Where do you find cerulean city in FireRed?

Go through Mt. Moon.

How do you get to cerulean city in Pokemon Blue version?

You have to leave Viridian City and go through Mt Moon to get to Cerulean City. You may meet some bad guys on the way through Mt Moon and also get a fossil.

How do you get to Mt Moon from Cerulean City on Pokemon?

you cantYou can't get to Mt. Moon from Cerulean City in HG/SS, you have to go through Diglett's Cave and head east from Pewter City.

How do you get to lavander town in pokemon FireRed?

To get to Lavendar town you have to go through Mt. Moon.

How do you pass through mt moon in chaos black version?

Hacking is the only way

Where in mt moon can you find an onix?

You can't find it in Mt moon.

What is at the top of mt moon?

nothing. You cant get to the top of mt. moon

Mt moon in harvest moon island happiness?

there is no mt moon in hm ioh,btw

Where is red located in mt moon in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Red is not in Mt. Moon; he is at the top of Mt. Silver.