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You cannot go through waterfalls but you can climb them with the HM waterfall and a Pokemon that can learn it... you will also need the corrosponding gym badge

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Q: How do you get through a waterfall in Pokemon Ruby?
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What is the HM7 in Pokemon ruby?

HM7 contains the move Waterfall.

Where to find hm waterfall on Pokemon ruby?

in the cave of origin

What town is the hm move waterfall in Pokemon ruby?

HM08 Waterfall is in the Cave of Origin in Sootopolis City.

How do you climb waterfall and get through cave on Pokemon ruby?

you must have the hm(i dont remember its number)that contains waterfall then when you are in the front of the waterfall press a then click yes and you climbed the waterfall a easier way si to do the walk through walls code(srry if i am spelling wrong im not enghlish) and to get through what cave

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Go to route 128, head east to Ever Grande City, up the waterfall, and then through Victory Road. Once you get through Victory Road, there is the Pokemon league

Pokemon Ruby where to get waterfall?

In Soothopolis, inside the Cave of Origin, where you catch Groudon

How do you get to evergrande city in Pokemon Ruby?

You go around the ocean until you find a waterfall, then you go up the waterfall with HM07.

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Learn waterfall and go to EverGrande city

Where do you get the hm waterfall in Pokemon Ruby?

in the cave in sootoplis city when your going to fight groundon

Where to will get the HM waterfall in Pokemon ruby?

cave of origin. sotopolis city when you need to fight groudon

Where is bagon in Pokemon Ruby?

really rare in meteor falls need surf and waterfall to get to where bagon is

How do you get behind the waterfall in Pokemon Diamond?

U don't go through the waterfall, u go over the waterfall. The goal is to have the HM waterfall. This HM allows ur Pokemon to climb the waterfall.