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by getting like 20 kills with the acog scope

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Q: How do you get thermal scope on modern warfare 2?
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What is the best gun combination to have on Modern Warfare 2?

the wa2000 thermal scope and heartbeat sensor with a raffica red dot sight fmj

Where to get a thermal scope in modern warfare 2?

You can get a thermal scope for most guns if not all. The first thing you need to do is get 100 kills with the weapon you want the thermal scope for, then you get the ACOG scope. Once you have the ACOG scope, you have to get 20 kills WHILE LOOKING THROUGH THE SCOPE. Then you will have a thermal scope and enjoy. In my own opinion, get it for a gun that has high range, and one that you would camp with like an LMG or a sniper rifle.

What is the thermal property of water?

thermal scope on modern warfare 2 is awesome but thermal is heat seeking and hot is really white so dont use it in the snow place because the snow is white also

How do you quick scope better in modern warfare 2?

By using seight of hand pro to scope faster.

Modern warfare 2 does the thermal scope have less zoom for a assault rifle than a Sniper?

Im pretty sure they have less zoom on assault rifles than sniper rifles.

How do you get a scope on l86 l8w on Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2?

that's in black ops stupid

Is modern warfare 2 reflex the same as modern warfare 2?

Modern warfare reflex and modern warfare are the same. Modern warfare "reflex" means that its for wii. If its just modern warfare its for the other consoles

Where was Ghost from modern warfare 2 born?

Modern warfare 2

What does it mean to be noscoped in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?

If you are no scoped in MW2 in means that The sniper hit you with out looking down the scope.

What is better infamous 2 or modern warfare 2?

modern warfare 2 is better .

How do you spell modern warfare 2?

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2