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Wirless adapters are accessories that can be attached to your GBA or GBASP that can be bought at any video game store or E-bay.

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Q: How do you get the wireless adapter in Pokemon FireRed?
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How do you get wireless adapter in Pokemon FireRed?

You have to buy one.

How can you connect Pokemon FireRed to Pokemon Ruby using a wireless adapter?

== ==

How can you connect Pokemon Ruby to Pokemon Emerald using a wireless adapter?

i dont believe so because the wireless adapters were made for leafgreen and firered which came out after RSE

Is it possible to battle Pokemon between Soul Silver and Fire Red using a wireless adapter or cable on the top floor of the Pokemon center?

the only way possible is to get a wireless adapter or link cable(Pokemon Centre does not exist in firered or leafgreen

If my friend has Pokemon FireRed and I have Sapphire can we fight?

With a wireless adapter, you can do nothing, but with a game link cable, you can trade and battle!

What are the four words to get the mystery gift in Pokemon FireRed?

Link Toghether With All but you need a WIRELESS ADAPTER if you want the MYSTERY GIFT.

Where is wireless adapter in fired?

its an accessory that you can buy at gamestop its not in firered.

Who do you trade Rattata and pidgey in Pokemon FireRed?

No one in the game trades you rattata nor pidgey if you want to trade those Pokemon use a link cable or wireless adapter to trade with leafgreen or another firered.

Where do find a rainbow pass on FireRed?

You have to go to a Pokemon event for the gba games (which they don't do since DS Pokemon came out) with a wireless adapter on your Gameboy SP or advance.

How do you you use the mystery gift on FireRed and LeafGreen?

In order to use mystery gift you first need to unlock it, second you need a wireless adapter, third you need to go to a Nintendo event that is giving out a Pokemon that can go to firered or leafgreen bring your GBA and wireless adapter to the event and access mystery gift at the event you can receive the special Pokemon now.

What can you do if you have one wireless adapter for Pokemon LeafGreen?

U can trade with the help of a wireless adapter.

How can you get the Mystery Gift without an wireless adapter in Pokemon?

you have to have a adapter