There is no "volcano" floor on Moshi Monsters. You are probably looking for the Lava Flow Floor which you can get with the code: sludgestreet
You can get the Oops Floor at the Yukea Shop on Moshi Monsters.
In the volcano. Membership is required.
you get it at the port
You can get the Furry Floor in the DIY Shop on Sludge Street on Moshi Monsters. You have to be at least a level 7 to get the Furry Floor. You can get a Fuzzy Rug in Yukea on Main Street in Moshi Monsters. You have to be at least a level 9 to get the Fuzzy Rug.
SM stands for Super Moshi. You have to be a paid Moshi Member and visit the volcano to become a Super Moshi.
You can not change the color of the Volcano on Moshi Monsters.
the missions on moshi monsters are at the volcano but you have to be a member to do them
You can get the Oops Floor at the Yukea Shop on Moshi Monsters.
in sanfransicco
you click on the volcano that is how you get in the volcano
Yes, you have to be a paid member to get a 2nd floor on Moshi Monsters.
You have to become a Moshi Member.
you cannot get tomba on moshi monsters by seeds,you have to be a moshi member and to do a mission in the volcano
Super Moshi's complete Moshi Monsters Missions. The first mission begins at the Volcano.
At the volcano
If you go to the Volcano you'll be told where to start the Super Moshi Mission.