go to Safron city and go to the blue house and go upstairs and talk to copy cat then fly to Veilmont city go to the Pokemon fan club talk to the fat man and he will give you the Pokedoll go talk to copycat again
In Gold and silver you can get 1 at silver mountain, however you can not get it in heart gold or soul silver.
safari zone but if you have silver,gold,crystal,heart gold,or soul silver you get it in joto
HeartGold and SoulSilver are the remakes of Gold, Silver and Crystal.
Yes there was alot of events in Heart Gold Soul Silver Example : Latios Latias Event
You can't get it in the silver version only heart gold
elite 4 or mt silver
Mt. Silver,Mt.Silver cave and victory road.
The reason Red is on Mt. Silver is unknown. He had previously defeated everyone in the game. He probably is there because of the need to train.
Heart Gold and Soul Silver
silver, gold, soul silver, and heart gold
pokemon heart gold and soul silver. and heart gold and soul silver legends
In Gold and silver you can get 1 at silver mountain, however you can not get it in heart gold or soul silver.
May is from Gold Silver Crystal Heart Gold and Soul Silver
heart gold, soul silver, silver, crystal and gold
celbi cannot be cached on Pokemon heart gold and soul silver to get celbi in gold and silver you haft to cheat sorry:( not god at English
Brown, silver, gold, rusty.