if you mean the blunt-edged yellow flower kind of star then you get it from certain houses along the street with your extractor
The essence is located in the forest. The north east. You have to have a star level 3 to unlock the forest. The essence grows on a tree.
there are many many ways to get the fire essence like the patios
you get it on the royal academy island
you cant
You can get Icecube essence from light poles. :)
The essence is located in the forest. The north east. You have to have a star level 3 to unlock the forest. The essence grows on a tree.
the pinwheel essence is hidden.if your on star level 3 go on the train to your garden [offline] and look for the pinwheel essence [on a tree].hope this helps!
if you mean they grey rectangle brick shape with a face on it then you get it from the dust bin in your inventory
You get it from Sharon's house she has the bubble essence
In Little Lea Lake in My Sims Agents the answer to the door before thief v can get it is 50
If you are talking about My Sims agents DS then she is in the east village and here house is opposite the Tailor's.
My Sims Agents Questions-Where is the helicopter? the helicopter is at you head quarters and is on the very top floor
how do you fix the bike in my sims agents
there are many many ways to get the fire essence like the patios
I find My Sims Agents wii is better, but it doesn't take very long to beat.
You can get them at the patios and benches.