jump off a building and test it and if it does not work haha
L1-L1-R2-square-circle-triangle........it's this one
you need to do two missions to open gta Punjab but in my ways gta Punjab sucks
Gaikai is privately held and invested in by VCs and Large Corporations. Gaikai has not gone public yet.
There are a few places you can get cheat codes for the game GTA 5. You can try on a game site.
you go to the police staition and there shold be a cop suit
You cant.
it is a mod.
in gta lcs you can't swim but in gta vcs you can swim and in gta lcs the missions are quite easier but in gta vcs there are more challenging missions and harder in gta vcs the weapons are so cool.
Around $20.
There is no jetpack cheat for gta vcs, in fact, its impossible to get a jetpack on gta vcs =D
is no cheat
can not deactivate it
no there is not
In the construction yard. :)