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go to the cove then click on the note pinned to the surf board next click on the word wavesater thet a sign will come up saying silve surf board £800 then press buy. To use the surf board hold it then go to the surf shack it will say would you like to catch some waves press yes then you will be using the silver suf board

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Q: How do you get the silver board in clubpenguin?
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Clubpenguin how to get the silver surf board from the cove?

Go to the cove. Then click on the surf board ads. Then click the word waves at the top of the ad. There should be another add for the silver surf board.

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just click the arow keys

How do you get the silver surfbord on clubpenguin?

write surf then click on your puffle say cheese and spin

Where is the silver sufbaord on Clubpenguin?

In the sports catalog click the surfboard then the shell than the starfish and it will appear

How do you get the silver surfboard on clubpenguin?

You go to the cove. Then click on the "Game Upgrades" page. Last click on or Waves!

When is the next clubpenguin raid?

Any future raids have not been planned. In the future, use a board, not WikiAnswers for that sort of thing.

Can you play clubpenguin on your ipod teach?

you can get clubpenguin cheats but not clubpenguin

How do you write on the chalkboards on clubpenguin?

To write on the chalkboards you have to click the side to side arrows on your keyboard and the board should have designs switching on them as you hit the arrows

What is Club Penguin 2?

its clubpenguin. clubpenguin 2 clubpenguin it's clubpenguin but 2 added to it that's all

Where does clubpenguin design their stuff?

If you asked who makes clubpenguin Disney makes clubpenguin

Is battman on Clubpenguin?

No battman is not on clubpenguin.