either when u find beard beard treasure to much and after u discuvr it or the valcanoes erupt or u open the forge
Yes. But you can change them or get rid of them in fashion and grooming mode.
yes in sims 2 castaway beards will grow on male characters unless you have a sewing kit that can cut your beard and normal hair which will also grow through out your playing time
go to fashion and grooming for guys and go to head ... facial hair... then press the red thingy.
Shipwreckcove is a secret location on the second island. Inside is a lagoon with Beard Beard the pirate's ship and treasure chest, which contains his uniform (which never gets worn out). However, to get there you will need to find all the treasure map pieces. Once you've found them got to the first beach on the second island (where your raft lands) and look for the closed off area with the rock. Push the rock and enter the tunnel. That's it!
There is not a special ability for Beard Beard's sword in the game Sims 2 Castaway. When you find his treasure you can either stay on the island or leave.
Red-beard is a pirate.
you would have to harvest the resources : obsidian , death daisy , blood orange, red orchid and the mandrake root/manchineel fruit and find his remembrance fish by fishing in the tidal pool (that's where he died) then when you caught the fish named beard beard Wilson you can resurrect him (you HAVE to be wearing the pirate outfit or you can't resurrect him.
Black Beard. Black Beard.
black beard
He had no mercy
no, but he was married
Have a pirate hat a pirate coat and a black beard(Sometimes he only wears hat and beard)
ye s
Red Beard
a bad pesonality
2006 march4th