

Best Answer

Buy it. In Presto's Edge there is a store. If you are a gold member, you can go to your home and click on "house editor" and change anything in your house to the color you want. Buy it. In Presto's Edge there is a store. If you are a gold member, you can go to your home and click on "house editor" and change anything in your house to the color you want.

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Q: How do you get the red carpet on dizzywood?
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How do you get a Morpher in Dizzywood?

In Order to get a Morpher in Dizzywood,You must go to Canal City then go to the Airship Platform.Then,Wait for three people to come to the red carpet and off you go to Endless Wild.Next,Find a morpher and do a Slider Puzzle game and complete the picture.Then,You get your first morpher

What color is a red carpet?

A red carpet is red in colour.

How do you fly on the airship in Dizzywood?

You go to the top of the ramp in Gilbert Square West in Canal City. You need to wait on the red carpet with at least two other people and when you are all standing together then the airship will take you to the Endless Wilds.

What is the difference between the famous red carpet and the orange carpet?

Two things first the Red carpet is Red and the Orange carpet is Orange, Second the Red carpet is famous and the Orange one isn't :0|

How do you say red carpet in french?

red carpet = tapis rouge

What is the color of the carpet in the idiom '-carpet treatment'?

It is a red carpet.

When was Red Carpet Inn created?

Red Carpet Inn was created in 1968.

When was Live From the Red Carpet created?

Live From the Red Carpet was created in 1996.

Is there a red carpet for kids choice awards?

Yes there is a red carpet-like event for Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Awards however Nickelodeon does not refer to it as being a Red Carpet type of event because the Kids' Choice Awards are a Nickelodeon icon and therefore they call their Red Carpet-like event the Orange Carpet instead of the usual and more common term of the Red Carpet.

What is the craziest thing that ever happened on the Red Carpet?

got embarrased and had a accident on the red carpet

When was Red Carpet - Nova TV - created?

Red Carpet - Nova TV - was created in 2003.

When was Red Carpet Massacre created?

Red Carpet Massacre was created on 2007-11-13.