Ummm.... Well... that's what im trying to figure out! but I do know how you get the YELLOW hoodie
Hehehe xxx
BTW i have been on Club Penguin since 2004!!!
So i know all the glitches till the Now glitches
Ps. Sorry if i didnt help!! :( xxx
Kerry Spring, Club Penguin Queen xxx.
The orange hoodie was in the August 2009 Penguin Style. Currently it is the rarest of the hoodie colors because Club Penguin released every hoodie color EXCEPT for orange. So you can't get it until it comes out again.. sooo, sorry.
the purple diamond used to be on club penguin but it has had to be removed because of difficulties. sorry about that club penguin owners and you shouldn't be cheeting.
first open to the catolog then when u open to that fashion desiner penguin click on the light house and the u have it if u purchase it
you use the purple elite puffle to help you get it out.
FREEHOOD enter that and you'll get a free purple hoodie :D
FreeHood - for a purple and red hoodieD23EXP11 - for a green and yellow hoodie
Yes.Freehoodfor a purple and red hoodieD23EXP11for a green and yellow hoodie
FREEHOOD unlocks a Purple and White hoodie, MMCODE12 unlocks you red t shirt with a guitar on it, or enter D23EXP11 for a green hoodie.
theres no such thing as a jls hoodie
The orange hoodie was in the August 2009 Penguin Style. Currently it is the rarest of the hoodie colors because Club Penguin released every hoodie color EXCEPT for orange. So you can't get it until it comes out again.. sooo, sorry.
=== === === ===
D23EXP11 - Purple Cross-hatched Hoodie
There isn't a code fo a lack hoodie :(
freehood and D23EXP11
enter code: D23EXP11