i will tell you my acount my user is SAMUEL91809 and my password is choclate
Auqua palz is an interactive animal game console that you can buy from agros and other shops such as amazon they are really cool and have a touch screen sensor controls.
salamence infernape gyrados garchomp Salamence: Powerful Ice-type, I.E, Glacion/Glalie. Or a rock type. I.E Golem. Infernape: Staraptor, Milotic? Gyarados: Electric type. Quadruple damage. Umm...Jolteon/Luxray. Garchomp: Same as Salamence Ice-types. I'm not an expert at this team thing, but here are some movesets: Glacion/Glalie: Ice Beam Blizzard other two something decent against dragon, flying, etc. Staraptor: Arial Ace Brave Bird Close combat Steel wing? Milotic: Auqua Ring Surf Ice Beam Something else... Jolteon/Luxray: Thunder Thunderbolt Crunch Other. And, if you've got room, this abominable Blissey: Blissey: Toxic SoftBoiled Protect A powerful move to unleash if things get bad. Etc. Flamethrower. Blissey Startegy: First off, Protect to get an idea of opponents moves. If there's nothing too bad, toxic. If there's a cross chop or something, switch. Watch and laugh as toxic whittles down the opponents HP. Once protect runs out of PP, just go for it, and attack with that 'power move' and softboil if HP gets too low. Hope I helped!
These are the Pokemon Dragonite's move list:*Diamond/Pearl/Platinum/Heart Gold/Soul Silver level up:- Fire Punch- Thunder Punch- Roost- Wrap- Leer- Thunder wave- TwisterAt lvl. 5: Thunder waveAt lvl. 11: TwisterAt lvl. 15: Dragon RageAt lvl. 21: SlamAt lvl. 25: AgilityAt lvl. 33 Aqua tailAt lvl. 39: Dragon rushAt lvl. 47: Safe guardAt lvl. 53: Dragon DanceAt lvl. 55: Wing AttackAt lvl. 64: Out RageAt lvl. 73: Hyper Beam*TM & HM Attacks:- Focus Punch- Dragon Claw- Water Pulse- Roar- Toxic- Hail- Hidden Power- Ice Beam- Sunny Day- Blizzard- Hyper Beam- Protect- Rain Dance- Safe Guard- Frustration- Iron Tail- Thunderbolt- Thunder- Earthquake- Return- Brick Break- Double Team- Shock Wave- Flamthrower- Sandstorm- Fire Blast- Rock tomb- Aerial Ace- Facade- Secret Power- Rest- Attract- Steel Wing- Roost- Focus Blast- Fling- Endure- Dragon Pulse- Giga Impact- Stone Edge- Thunder Wave- Captivate- Rock Slide- Sleep talk- Natural Gift- Swagger- Substitute- Cut- Fly- Surf- Strength- Defog- Whirl Pool- Rock Smash- Water Fall*Move Tutor Attack(s):- Draco Meteor*Platinum/Heart Gold/Soul Silver Move Tutor Attacks:- Air Cutter- Dive- Fire Punch- Fury Cutter- Ice Punch- Icy Wind- Ominous Wind- Thunder Punch- Snore- Swift- Aqua Tail- Heat Wave- Iron Head- Mud Slap- Out Rage- Superpower- Twister*Heart Gold/Soul Silver Move Tutor Attacks:- Tail Wind- Headbutt*Egg Moves:- Light Screen- Mist- Haze- Supersonic- Dragon Dance- Dragon Rush- Dragon Breath- Extreme Speed - (HG/SS Only)