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Hi First you go on the right side of the falls and find the biggest biggest bush and go into the caves climb on the Stalagmites ( Big pointy thingies) and go on the other side! There you will find the purple diamond!

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Q: How do you get the puple gem on nabooti island?
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What do you do after you get the purple gem on nabooti island?

Find the other gems.

What do you do inside the diamond mine at Nabooti Island?

you get a gem in the mine

How do you find the blue gem in Nabooti island?

the blue gem is at go to where the tomb is.when you are finished with that the tomb will open.

Where do you get the green gem on nabooti island?

The green JEWEL on Nabooti Island is at the Kaya Forests. You will need a shovel and a cactus fig to recover the JEWEL. (see related question)

Where is the green gem on nabooti island?

The green JEWEL on Nabooti Island is at the Kaya Forests. You will need a shovel and a cactus fig to recover the JEWEL.(see related question)

Nabooti island where is the red gem?

The red gem can only be found in the remote regions of the Northern-most volcano located on the upper region of Nabooti island. One must venture into unknown territory deep within the volcanoes mantle and then hopefully you will find the red gem of which you speak.