Go to lavender town and go inside the radio station and talk to the people in their and get an update to your radio and the pkeflute is playing on a station
In poke platinum you get a black poke flute from Looker the agent
You can find the Poke Flute in the Pokemon Tower. After you free Mr. Fuji, he will give you the Poke Flute.
There is no Poke Flute item in Pokemon Silver. Instead, the player can have their radio upgraded in Lavender Town. It will then play a station that can play the Poke Flute tune.
Heres a big cheat to get the poke flute go to celadon city and buy a poke doll located on floor 4 then go to Pokemon tower then find the ghost that block's the stairs then use the poke doll to flee and go upstairs and beat the rockets then get the poke flute.
In your radio, all you do is go to the top of your radio with the little dot and then it will say poke flute and then you can get that awsome snorlax that is blocking diglets cave. (but the poke-flute channel only works in Kanto not in Jhoto)
use the app on the pokegear and go to the music thing and go to #20
In poke platinum you get a black poke flute from Looker the agent
In Pokemon Crystal, to obtain the Poké Flute (which is what I assume you meant by "poke lullaby"), you need to first wake up Snorlax blocking the path on Route 11. You can do this by getting the Expansion Card from the radio station in Lavender Town and tuning your radio to the Poke Flute channel. Once Snorlax is awake, you can capture or defeat it to clear the path.
You can find the Poke Flute in the Pokemon Tower. After you free Mr. Fuji, he will give you the Poke Flute.
well your at digglets cave right, then go 2 radio in pokegear and set it 2 poke flute
There is no Poke Flute item in Pokemon Silver. Instead, the player can have their radio upgraded in Lavender Town. It will then play a station that can play the Poke Flute tune.
Put channel to the top and it will play the poke flute and wake up snorlax
save mr.fuji from Pokemon tower top floor and get the poke flute
You Don't
go to your radio and move the dot around until it says poke flute and the snorlax will attack you, I suggest you capture it.
i think it is the same as on soul silver... there is a settings thing on your pokegear, go to that. set it to the blue backround. go to radio, use your stylus to move the dot that shows what channel you are on to the middle line of the blue circle, at the top. the channel should say poke flute.
use the little circle and go to the top of the radio then you will here the poke flute