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Q: How do you get the panda bear hamster on hamsters life for Nintendo ds?
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Related questions

Can panda bear hamsters be orange?

'Panda bear' is simply a colour variant of the Golden, or Syrian hamster. Syrian hamsters come in a variety of colours, including sandy, golden and ginger.

What are the types of hamsters?

There are many types. Common hamster (any colour), panda bear hamster (black and white), black bear hamster (black), teddy bear hamster (any colour), golden hamster (any colour), albino hamster (white with pink eyes), dwarf hamsters (any colour). All of these hamsters are classified, Winter white, campbell's,etc. All of these hamsters except for dwarf hamsters are considered Syrian hamsters.

Can a Short-Haired Syrian hamster mate with a Panda Bear hamster?

No, Short-Haired Syrian hamsters and Panda Bear hamsters belong to different species and cannot mate with each other. Interbreeding between different species of hamsters is not recommended due to potential health risks and genetic complications. It is best to keep hamsters of the same species together for breeding.

Can you have more than one panda bear hamster in a cage?

It isn't a good idea to have two hamsters in the same cage. I had 3 hamsters and we had to have separate cages for them. I wouldn't exactly know cuz I've never had a panda bear hamster before, but i think its all the same for any kind of hamster. Hope this helped :D

Which hamster is less likely to bite...a panda bear hamster or a black bear hamster?

Both types of hamsters are likely to bite....they are both very aggressive types, and harder to deal with. Actually, Panda bear and Black bear are both just color variations on the same type of hamster, the Syrian hamster. They are in no way aggressive or hard to deal with! They are much easier to deal with than any dwarf types.

Can a panda bear hamster have kids with another kind of hamster?


Can different hamster types run faster in different tempter?

Yes, Syrian hamsters can run faster at night when they wake up, then in the day. Panda bear hamsters can run all day, only if they wanted. And other hamster prefer to do it at night, when they are hyper.

Can dwarf hamsters and teddy bear hamsters be in one cage?

no, teddy bear hamsters are very territorial and will fight the other hamster.

Is there a difference between a teddy bear hamster and a bear hamster?

No, teddy bear hamsters are Syrian hamsters.

Are panda bear hamsters good pets for children?

They can be.

Does clark feed and seed have panda bear hamsters?


What do panda bear hamsters like?

nothing at all