GO TO petz IN THE LEFT HAND CORNER, then to restore original color's ,pick a dog and yippee!
ps: the dog or cat must be in the room.
Go to the dog hotel and click on donate a dog! :D
funpal wetvet, and secret are some codes
its so easy coz my mate done it so you put 2 adult dogz the same breed in the toy room put lots and lots of love hart pillows on the floor then get out the music box and play some romantic music and wait for like 8 mins and your pups will come in a few days!
1 put the ball in the red paint 2 put it in the ! paint bucket 3 put it with the right hemisphere 4 cover it with the hat 5 put it in the red paint 6 take off the hat 7 switch the hemisphere with the left one 8 put it twice in the ! paint bucket 9 put the hat on 10 put it in the red paint 11 put it in the ! paint bucket 12 take off the hat 13 take off the left hemisphere
Go to the dog hotel and click on donate a dog! :D
It takes a week for a dog in Dogz 5 to grow up. I had a dalmation I got on the 16th and now (24rd) he is grow up. Hope it help x
You will need pet workshop google it (use the sherlock software page) then download the pet into a file call it dogz breeds (dont save it in dogz 4 itself ut it in docs or something! and unzip it)) then go on pet workshop (run it as adminastrator or breedz will not open) go to your file with the dogz in itand if that dosent work contact me on.. CremyzPetzKennilz@hotmail.co.uk!!Cremy (CremyzPetzKennilz)
Jobz 4 Dogz - 2004 Hollywood K-9 was released on: USA: 6 July 2004 USA: 6 July 2004
funpal wetvet, and secret are some codes
yes you can only when she not pregnant tho
Get a dog pregnant and wait for the offspring. It takes 3-6 days. Exactly the same in Catz 5 too, if you have it. In both Petz 5 games they have a nursery. In Petz 4 you only get one baby and it can enter any room (apart from the Adoption Centre, obviously). Remember not to spray, scare or "Watering Can" the babies, it crashes the game, and (in petz 4), don't snowball or take them to the beach/south seas, cause the water splashes them.
the answer is maybe becuz dogs are cool
its so easy coz my mate done it so you put 2 adult dogz the same breed in the toy room put lots and lots of love hart pillows on the floor then get out the music box and play some romantic music and wait for like 8 mins and your pups will come in a few days!
Chuck's Day Off - 2008 The Dog Walkers 4-10 was released on: USA: 10 March 2011
petpet wetvet Hawaii stinko ill add more later (laters)