The poster was given out in a contest on the Daily Growl blog. You won't be able to buy this item from the shops in Monstro City.
There is no code for the poster. The Megamind poster was given out in a contest on the Daily Growl in 2010. The members who completed the Megamind's Super Hero Super Skillz Quiz were given a Megamind Poster as a prize and it was added to their inventory.
type in in the mopod box CHOPCHOP77 in capsPLEASE ADD ME ON MOSHI MONSTERS IT IS azaraaronTHANKS
Liberty Poster: ONEWORLDType in the code correctly with no mistakes in the box third from above on the 'Moshi Monsters - Sign In' page, where it says "If you have a secret code, you can enter it here: " When you reach your house, open up the inventory to find a special item.This code can be used one time per Moshi Monsters User.
the top monster poster is rare so just look back daily to find it. good luck! :)
Dustbin Beaver Poster: giftisland23Fizzbang Poster: DEMONSTAGB Eye Monster Poster: DJQUACK2I.G.G.Y Champ Poster: RANCHLiberty Poster: ONEWORLDMoshling Collector Chart (Poster): allmoshlingsTop Trumps Poster: amphisbaenaeStrangeglove Roary Poster: squiddly
There is no code for the poster. The Megamind poster was given out in a contest on the Daily Growl in 2010. The members who completed the Megamind's Super Hero Super Skillz Quiz were given a Megamind Poster as a prize and it was added to their inventory.
The poster was given out in a contest on the Daily Growl blog. You won't be able to buy this item from the shops in Monstro City.
There is no Jonas Brothers poster on Moshi Monsters. There is a group on Moshi Monsters called the Groanas Brothers. Currently, there is no Groanas Brothers Poster available on Moshi Monsters (May 2013).
There is no Banana Montana poster available on Moshi Monsters.
No, you can not get "The Wanted" poster on Moshi Monsters. However, you can get a "Strangeglove Wanted Poster" with a code. The code is: volcano
Yes, you have to be a paid Moshi Member to get the Broccoli Spears Poster on Moshi Monsters. The poster is only available in Horrods, which is a paid Moshi Member shop.Yes, you have to be a paid Moshi Member to get the Broccoli Spears Poster on Moshi Monsters. The poster is only available in Horrods, which is a paid Moshi Member shop.
You can buy posters in Horrod's and Yukea on Moshi Monsters.
You can buy them from amazon.
Currently (May 2013), there is no DJ Quack poster available on Moshi Monsters.
You can buy the Fizzbangs poster at the Bizarre Bazaar on Moshi Monsters. You must be at level 7 or higher.
sorry but there is no snookums poster
Do you mean the poster