The liberty ticket event is for Black and white only. You will not be able to receive it on soul silver.
after getting the ticket, talk to the boatmaster at the docks
no. with a liberty pass, you get victini, level 15
The legendary Pokemon in Pokemon black is Reshiram and the legendary Pokemon in Pokemon white is Zekrom. There is Tornadus on Pokemon black and Thunderus on white. There is also Landorus which you get from obtaining Tornadus on White along with owning a Thunderus and vice versa for Black. You must visit the Abundant Shrine with Tornadus and Thunderus in your party for Landorus to appear. You can get Virizion from Pinwheel Forest, Cobalion from Mistralton Caves and Terrakion from Victory Road . Victini is available on Liberty Garden if you got the event for the Liberty Ticket. You can get Zoroark from Lostlorn Forest if you have at least one Shiny Raikou, Suicune or Entei. There is Kyruem too, at the Giant Chasm after defeating the Elite Four.
You can get the mystery ticket in Pokemon Events. You can get the mystery ticket in Pokemon Events.
The liberty ticket event is for Black and white only. You will not be able to receive it on soul silver.
It's presently unlocked via a wifi event. Liberty ticket gives you access.
Once, with the liberty ticket, and again with the release of Victini and Reshiram/Zekrom
Liberty Island is only accessed by the Liberty Ticket. The Legendary Pokemon Victini is here. You can get there by Castelia City.
after getting the ticket, talk to the boatmaster at the docks
Yes. Between March 4th and April 22nd you can download the Liberty ticket and go catch Victini.
With the damned liberty ticket event. Go to the leftmost pier. The guy next to the blue boat will take you. I think.
Right after you get to Castelia City.
download it from Nintendo wi-fi
no. with a liberty pass, you get victini, level 15