

Best Answer

Well, on Sims Life Stories you can get The tumbstone of L and D by pressing ctrl, shift, and C then a box will pop up at the top of the screen! Enter boolProp TestingCheats Enabled true. (please enter as shown). Press Enter and then hold down shift.While holding shift click on your sim.You will see many options including "spawn". Press spawn and click Tumbstone of L and D.

Click on it and say add neighbor to family.Click Grim Reper.

I have not yet had it work

Good Luck!!!

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Q: How do you get the grim reper in sims without downloads?
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How do you make the grim reaper come on the sims?

it depends what version of sims you have. On the Sims the grim reaper does not appear. On the Sims 2 you will have to sacrifice one of your sims to make the Grim Reaper appear. The sims 3 is the most fun game though. There are a number of ways to make the Grim Reaper appear, and you can even add him to your Active Family! Have fun! x

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The only downloads you can get for The Sims 3, are the ones designed for The Sims 3! It might cause problem on the computer if you try. Just stick with Sims 3 downloads!

How do you get the Grim Reaper on the Sims 3?

you die and the grim will show up at your house or it will be by your grave

How do you download sims 3 without CD?

I believe it is possible to download the Sims 3 without the CD. you can do this by going to they have downloads for several PC games. hope this helps

Can the Grim Reaper live with you on the sims PC without cheats?

No, he can't. That's on The Sims 2, anyway. You didn't specify. There are cheats that allow you to get a grim reaper costume in Create a Sim mode. Does boolprop testingcheatsenabled true sound familiar? ;p

Where is the stuff after you buy it on sims 3 store?

If you open your Sims 3 launcher, it should be in the Downloads section. From there, you can install it. If it does not show up in Downloads, you can always download it from the Store again without having to repay the SimPoints that it cost.

Is there a Naruto Sims 3?

with downloads you can make naruto sims or sims for any other anime! the sims 3 website has items to download and modthesims2 . com has downloads for the sims 2 and 3

How do can you find downloads for the Sims 3?

you can find some on the sims 3 website or you can go to modthesims2 dot com to find downloads for the sims 2 and 3

Can sims on sims 1 murder each other without using any downloads?

I think so, if you get a sims relation ship at -100, they will fight but I don't know if they can KILL each other.