I know how to get the golden shovel. Bury your shovel and leave it for a whole night, the next morning - buy another shovel and dig your buried shovel up. It should be golden!
you have to have a perfect town to get the golden watering can.
give it to pascal and he will give you a golden axe
You can not have a baby on Animal Crossing: Wild World
There is no animal crossing for the PSP.
You need to shoot 15 balloons out of the sky and then the next one should be a balloon with a golden slingshot attached as a present.
There aren't any silver tools in the game, only normal and golden.
you have to have a perfect town to get the golden watering can.
Catch all bugs.
you have to get the golden watering can and water dying black roses.
i think you have to catch every bug
No you cannot transfer items from animal crossig city folk to animal crossing lets go to the city.
You have to hit 16 presents in a row then you must hit the golden present.
by catching every bug at least once.
It is used to make money trees.
Getting money trees!!!!!!!!!