theres no such thing as a giga rod, sorry. if you mean the super rod you get it from a guy in a house in mossdeep.
You can't, giga impact is a Gen 4 move.
From my experience, you cannot find or buy the move Giga Drain In Pokemon Emerald. It is only a learned move. If you have a Shroomish, it will learn Giga Drain in one of its advanced stages.
The super rod is received in mossdeep city.
Pokemon you can get with the good rod are: TENTACOOL, MARILL, MAGIKARP, CHINCHOU ( under-water ) and CORPHISH.
there's no ultra rod there's only a old rod,good rod, & super rod..veronica
You can't, giga impact is a Gen 4 move.
From my experience, you cannot find or buy the move Giga Drain In Pokemon Emerald. It is only a learned move. If you have a Shroomish, it will learn Giga Drain in one of its advanced stages.
supe rod
The super rod is received in mossdeep city.
You have to fish with a super rod.
Pokemon you can get with the good rod are: TENTACOOL, MARILL, MAGIKARP, CHINCHOU ( under-water ) and CORPHISH.
you use the good rod in a river or somewhere :/
at rut 118
there's no ultra rod there's only a old rod,good rod, & super rod..veronica
The super rod in pokemon ruby, sapphire and emerald is in mossdeep city.
east of mauville
you want catch it with the rod in rout 119.