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evolve it.

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Q: How do you get the evouloution of gligar?
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What is the name of the evouloution of horsea?

It is Seadra

What is the evouloution of horsea?

it evolves in to seadra at level 32

Who invented evouloution?

Charles Darwin came up with the theory.

Is gligar rare?

Gligar is rare in dimond and pearl but not in Platinum Gligar but you have to use a heavy ball.

How does gligar evolve?

give Gligar a Razor Fang.

Where do you find a snubbull on Pokemon LeafGreen?

trade granbull (its evouloution) from colloseum, then breed

Can you get gligar in Pokemon LeafGreen?

gligar is another generation pokemon.

How do you envolve gligar?

gligar evolved as: you give you're gligar a razor fang and than al level up at night.

How do you catch gligar?

You can catch gligar at safari zone extension after you beat elite four. But, in ruby and sapphire can't catch gligar.

What type of Pokemon is Gligar?

Gligar is a Ground and Flying type pokemon.