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Defog doesn't exist as a TM, nevertheless it does exist as a HM in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. Getting the HM depends on the version of your game. In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, you get the HM from an NPC when you enter the Great Marsh. You will need the Fen Badge from the Pastoria City's Gym in order to use it outside of combat. In Pokemon Platinum, you will find the HM deep inside Solaceon Ruins. You will need the Relic Badge from the Hearthome City's Gym to use it outside of combat.

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In pokemon diamond you have to go to the great marsh in pastoria city then talk to the ace trainer on the right right by the gate and you will receive it.

Hope this helped :D

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Q: How do you get the defog TM?
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Pokemon Diamond Where is the TM defog?

in the great marsh

What can you do by the solacen ruins?

you can get deoxys forms and at the top of the solcean ruins you could a TM but you need defog

Where do you get defog in Pokemon SoulSilver?

There is no way for you to get Defog in Pokémon SoulSilver, there is no Defog HM or TM in "SoulSilver" and there are no Pokémon that naturally learn Defog, the only way for you to get a Pokémon to know Defog in "Pokémon SoulSilver" is to trade the Pokémon over to "Diamond, Pearl or Platinum" and teach it Defog and then trade it back over to SoulSilver.

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there is no TM defog sorry, unless u are talking about an other one i don't know.

Witch moves are best for noctowl?

I would say Fly, Steel Wing, Psychic (TM), and Confusion (if you have Diamond/Pearl, you might want Defog).

Where do you get the TM defog?

in the safari zone in pearl/diamond right when u enter u see a man talk 2 him and he will give u the hm

How do you use TM dig if its a Tm and not a HM?

Good creativity. But dig can not be used In that Pokemon sadly although defog can be used --------- Even though Dig is a TM but not a HM (i take it you play R/S/E?) it can be used as a HM to crumble the middle section of the top of the first room in Ancient Tomb.

Where can you get the TM defog in Pokemon platinum?

go to the ruins and when in the first room go into the back and read the sign it may look like nonsense but it's unown lettering

What are all of the TM'S in Pokemon diamond?

Return, Avalanche, Trick Room,if you mean TMs they are: cut, fly, surf, strength, defog, rock smash, waterfall, rock climb.

Where do you get defog in Pokemon Soul Silver?

you cant get defog because you dont need defog in the game

How do you get defog in soulsilver?

there is no defog in Pokemon soul silver