Well, the crown can be gotten by going to the pal park and capturing Pokemon, then talking to a girl on the second floor. If you transferred Pokemon from FireRed it will be Crown and if you transferred Pokemon from Leafgreen it will be Tiara
You get a Tiara if you perform with a friend. You get a Birthday Cake on your birthday.
The answer I believe is 'diadem'. In Harry potter, they are in search of ravenclaws lost diadem and it turns out to be a tiara
Bring a water talisman, a plain tiara then go to the water altar, and use the tiara on it, you will lose the water talisman, but you will obtain a water tiara.
i thing the tiara club is free
There is a small crown of some sort, but it costs a lot of bells and is rarely on sale. You can buy it at Mable's shop, just like any other hat.
The Papal Crown or Papal Triple Tiara
a tiara, a crown would be worn by a king or queen
A tiara is a type of royal crown.
Yes. Diamond Tiara is an earth pony.
A crown or tiara.
It is called the Papal Tiara or Papal Crown, sometimes called the Triple Tiara or Triple Crown.
as we can see by proven evidence only the princess can were a tiara and a queen wears a crown
Gilda Griffon? or maybe Diamond Tiara. If your talking about the pony, diamond tiara, if your talking about the show tirek