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In order to complete the cluster bomb challenge, you have to kill 5 enemies with a single air strike. I suggest using the stealth bomber with UAV for this. A recommended game type would be ground war.

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Q: How do you get the cluster bomb challenge in modern warfare 2?
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How do you complete the carpet bomb challenge in call of duty modern warfare 2?

You have to bomb the entire enemy team with a single airstrike. It could be a stealth bomber, which is easier.

Onslaught 2 combos?

Where a red turret is the first to fire: Red + Green = Laser Rockets Red + Yellow = Tazer Rockets Red + Green + Blue = Poison Gas Rockets Red + Blue + Blue = Nuke Red + Red + Blue + Yellow = Napalm Rocket ---- Where a green turret is the first to fire: Green + Red + Blue = BFG Green + Red + Red + Blue = Rocket BFG ---- Where a blue turret is the first to fire: Blue + Blue = Land Mine Blue + Red = Cluster bomb Blue + Red + Yellow = Sparky Cluster bomb Blue + Blue + Red = Big Landmine Blue + Blue + Yellow = Sparky Landmine Blue + Red + Red = Big Cluster Bomb Blue + Green + Red = Laser Cluster Bomb Blue + Green + Red + Red = Big Laser Cluster Bomb Blue + Blue + Red + Red = Big Cluster Bomb Landmine Blue + Blue + Green + Red + Red = Big Laser Cluster Bomb Landmine ---- Where a yellow turret is the first to fire: Yellow + Red + Blue = Tazer BFG Yellow + Yellow + Yellow + Green = Black Hole Yellow + Yellow + Blue + Green = Shockwave

What are the onslaught 2 combos?

Red Turret Combos Where a red turret is the first to fire: Red + Green = Laser Rockets Red + Yellow = Tazer Rockets Red + Green + Blue = Poison Gas Rockets Red + Blue + Blue = Nuke Red + Red + Blue + Yellow = Napalm Rocket Green Turret Combos Where a green turret is the first to fire: Green + Red + Blue = BFG Green + Red + Red + Blue = Rocket BFG Blue Turret Combos Where a blue turret is the first to fire: Blue + Blue = Land Mine Blue + Red = Cluster bomb Blue + Red + Yellow = Sparky Cluster bomb Blue + Blue + Red = Big Landmine Blue + Blue + Yellow = Sparky Landmine Blue + Red + Red = Big Cluster Bomb Blue + Green + Red = Laser Cluster Bomb Blue + Green + Red + Red = Big Laser Cluster Bomb Blue + Blue + Red + Red = Big Cluster Bomb Landmine Blue + Blue + Green + Red + Red = Big Laser Cluster Bomb Landmine Yellow Turret Combos Where a yellow turret is the first to fire: Yellow + Red + Blue = Tazer BFG Yellow + Yellow + Yellow + Green = Black Hole Yellow + Yellow + Blue + Green = Shockwave

Where do you get TM Sludge Bomb in Pokemon Soul Silver?

You can get the Sludge Bomb TM in Route 43 or you can buy Sludge Bomb at the Battle Frontier.

How did frieza survive the spirit bomb?

because spirit bomb was not strong. it killed buu because buu is evil and the spirit bomb is good