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its not a class.its a reputation.

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Q: How do you get the class called evil in adventure quest?
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In adventure quest worlds how do you get evil class?

There are no alignment specific classes yet.

How can you do an evil class in adventure quest words?

go to shadowfall and go to the trone room talk to the queen

In adventure quest worlds how do you get evil ranks for the shop?

u can gain evil ranks by doing evil reputation quest. go to shadowfall

Can you change to evil to good on adventure quest?

Change it Again and again you will be good or evil ^^

How do you get the master of evil in adventure quest?

complete the fishing game

In adventure quest worlds how do you get the evil armor?

I'm guessing the evil shop at shadow fall

How do you go the shadow fall in adventure quest worlds?

become evil

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at the evil shop

In adventure quest worlds can you still do the chaos forest quest if your evil?

I'm not sure. i might be evil but i think I'm good. i forgot what i picked

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Where is the new evil shop in adventure quest worlds?

gravelyn (crashed city)

What the codes of Adventure Quest Worlds?

ociu812 gives you the awesome evil sword!