You need to complete the first part at least on the quest "Recipe for Disaster".
At the Edgeville bank, or in front of the Lumbridge castle.
Varrocks East bank, somewhere very close to there is a fountain. I just go from ge to fountain near castle Update by Keesjo219 : I always use falador little bank then te little water pump, that's fastest READ THIS ONE FIRST: CLOSEST AND UPDATED Update by Kentis99, 20th August 2009: One very little known about water source which is actually the CLOSEST most CONVENIENT and FASTEST place to bank/watersource is Neitiznot. The water geyser combined with the one-click bank chests really is the best place to be. The Lumbridge cellar chest bank in like 7 steps away from the sink and its 1 click 53worrn
There are multiple onion patches in RuneScape, but the most popular locations to get onion are at the Rimmington Onion Patch (just north of Rimmington, next to road), and in Fred the Farmer's house in Lumbridge. It's also possible to obtain onions from the Grand Exchange though, and is usually easier to get from the Grand Exchange instead of walking to one of the onion patches in RuneScape, as the patches are not located close to any bank.
That's will be located down the trapdoors near Draynor bank ( on the way to draynor via lumbridge shortcut ).The easiest entrance to the Jailhouse Sewers in Runescape can be found above the market stalls, in Draynor. Look for the Exclamation mark on your map (!). Another entrance can be found East of Draynor, near the jailhouse, however the other way is recommended as the Jail Guards here are aggressive towards players.
While on RuneScape PVP worlds, if you die, you only lose the items you are carrying, not those in your bank, never in RuneScape will a death directly affect your banked items.
There isn't a key for it unfortunately.
At the Edgeville bank, or in front of the Lumbridge castle.
Dummies are located North of Lumbridge castle and East Varrock in a house across from the bank.
You go behind the bank in Al Kharid (east of Lumbridge). There is a boat there that takes you to the Dungeoneering place.
The NPC Hassan can be found in RuneScape in the Al-Kharid Palace. To get there, just walk east of Lumbridge and enter Al-Kharid through the gate. Walk to the bank, and the palace is the large building that is visible right from the bank. Hassan can be found in there.
Players may sell this artefact to Mandrith in the Edgeville bank in Bounty Hunter worlds, or Nastroth in Lumbridge in PvP worlds, for 40,000 coins.
Barlak is in Dorgreshunn, the underground goblin city. You can get there through the Lumbridge castle basement. He is southwest of the bank. Follow the little hallway and Barlak is at the room at the end.
One (members) can be found docked in Taverley just south of the bank, and the other (free) can be found docked near Al Kharid, west of the bank and east of Lumbridge Graveyard.
Varrocks East bank, somewhere very close to there is a fountain. I just go from ge to fountain near castle Update by Keesjo219 : I always use falador little bank then te little water pump, that's fastest READ THIS ONE FIRST: CLOSEST AND UPDATED Update by Kentis99, 20th August 2009: One very little known about water source which is actually the CLOSEST most CONVENIENT and FASTEST place to bank/watersource is Neitiznot. The water geyser combined with the one-click bank chests really is the best place to be. The Lumbridge cellar chest bank in like 7 steps away from the sink and its 1 click 53worrn
There Are Many different places ( use the one in Lumbridge castle ) at the top ==Improved== When you open the main map (click the globe underneath the mini-map in the top right), all the "$" symbols represent a bank location.
Because after completing Recipe for Disaster quest a bank chest (Culinaromancer's Chest) appears there, that's why if u try to stand on that spot u cant, because the chest is there but it is invisible until you do the quest.
The most commonly-used spinning wheel is on the first floor of Lumbridge Castle because of its proximity to the bank one story above, as well as a nearby sheep field. However, Lumbridge is not close to any flax plants. You can also look at the link provided below for more locations the spinning wheels are at.