To get the TV shopping channel, you must buy an item from Karen's Supermarket every day for ten days. After you do, he will be rescued (and the rescuing scene will be played). You can order the products he advertises over the phone.
Purchase an item from Karen's store for a total of 10 days.
you have to buy the same item from karens supermarket for ten days straight. hope this helped!!
Harvest Moon Magical Melody: it's in your house when you start the game. Harvest Moon DS: you can buy it from the TV shopping channel channel 2, but to get channel 2 you have to shop for 10 days at the supermarket (you don't have to shop 10 days in a row, just 10 days). Harvest Moon GameBoy: you have all of your tools in a shed.
I don't get it....the best Harvest Moon game? The best Harvest Moon game is Harvest Moon DS/Harvest Moon DS Cute ...if that's what your asking...
There is no character named Kurt in Harvest Moon DS.
you get it from tv shopping
Get tv shopping channel, then upgrade your house.
To get an oven you have to order it on the tv shopping channel.
Purchase an item from Karen's store for a total of 10 days.
The Big Bed Is the last item. Also a requirement to get married. It cost 10,000 G.
first you need to get the tv shopping channel on the sprite station. then buy the kitchen. and then buy the frying pan. the tv shopping channel is on channel 2.
you have to buy the same item from karens supermarket for ten days straight. hope this helped!!
Every day for 10 days you need to buy atleast one item from the Supermarket by using your phone. Then a TV sprite should appear and you will get the Shopping Channel.
Harvest Moon Magical Melody: it's in your house when you start the game. Harvest Moon DS: you can buy it from the TV shopping channel channel 2, but to get channel 2 you have to shop for 10 days at the supermarket (you don't have to shop 10 days in a row, just 10 days). Harvest Moon GameBoy: you have all of your tools in a shed.
Once you have the kitchen you can buy all the apliences through the Harvest shopping network.
When it shows up on the shopping channel
Buy something from Karen's General Store on ten different days.