When u go and beat the aqua thugs in slateport city trying to steal the devon goods..when u enter the museum[the guy whom u beat in the rusturf tunnel/saving peeko]that guy will give u the TM and ask u to leave him alone after u talk to him.
NOWHERE.The TM trick is not available as a TM in Pokemon Emerald
But i dont no if you can bye it
Tm. 35
You can find TM Thief in Mahogany Town in the Rocket Hideout
number 46
NOWHERE.The TM trick is not available as a TM in Pokemon Emerald
But i dont no if you can bye it
there is no tm for lick
Tm. 35
Mightyena Keckleon Poocheyana Lombre learn thief upon leveling..and All the pokemon can learn thief using the TM
You can find TM Thief in Mahogany Town in the Rocket Hideout
I think you cant catch a Pokemon that learns thief, without the use of the TM. Alot of Pokemon can learn Thief through TM, but i don't know where to find the TM in the games. I did, but i fogort, sorry. Maybe check bulbapedia?
No...You have to have the TM for any Pokemon to learn it...
The Tm's are moves that can be tought to certain pokemon e.g:pikachu can learn thunderbolt.