You can get the Earthquake TM in Victory Road and you can also buy it in the Battle Frontier.
Additionally Diglett, Geodude, Rhyhhorn, Wooper, Swinub, Donphan, Larvitar, Marshtomp, Numel, Trapinch, Barboach, Groudon, Torterra and Hippopotas are all capable of learning Earthquake.
Victory Road..
Tackle is not a TM.
there is no TM for ancient power.
You find the TM Earthquake inside Victory Road.
TM 26 Earthquake can be found in the Relic Castle
Victory Road..
Tackle is not a TM.
Tm 26 earthquake is in wayward cave in a secret area.
there is no TM whirlwind in soul silver
there is no TM for ancient power.
You find the TM Earthquake inside Victory Road.
TM 26 Earthquake can be found in the Relic Castle
That TM is in silph co.
in arcane grove
You can get the TM Thunder Wave in the Battle Frontier Shop
You can buy the TM for Earthquake at the Battle Tower/Battle Frontier.
Bite is an attack, and isn't a TM. The Pokemon has to learn it.