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Go to the lake by the city where crasher wake is and i think after u beat the galactic grunt she gives u the medicine from the shop in johto

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Q: How do you get the Secret Potion from Cynthia?
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Where do you get the secret potion in Pearl?

from Cynthia

How do you get secret potion on Pokemon platinum?

Cynthia will give it to you.

What do you do after Cynthia gives you the secret potion?

go to the left of moo moo milk shop, then give the secret potion to the psyduck :)

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you have to give them a secret potion that you get from Cynthia

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Cynthia is the Champion so you will see her when you beat the Elite Four

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get the secret potion and give it to cynthia

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you have to get the secret potion from Cynthia

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Get the secret potion from Cynthia

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You have to get the secret potion from Cynthia.

How do you get Psyducks away from celestic town path?

You have to talk to Cynthia and she will give you a secret potion to give to them

Where is the secret potion in platinum?

A bit up from the grand lake hotel, you will find Cynthia who gives you the secret potion. Also it will be needed to get to Celestic town, you use it on the Psyduck at route 210. Hope it helped!!

After you get the secret potion where is that girls gran in Pokemon diamond?

Ok, after you get the Secret Potion from Cynthia, proceed on Route 210. That should take you to the Cafe Cabin. Walk to the upper left corner, where the Psyduck are. Press "A" when it asks you if you want to use your secret potion. Note: even after you use the Secret Potion it will still remain in your Key Items section of the bag Hope it helped!!