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Go to BattleOn and click the enchantments button on the right side of the screen then click the word enchantments when it pops up then click Hybrid then click go there

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Q: How do you get the Ninja class in AQW?
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Best class in aqw?


What class is better in aqw necromancer or ninja?

I'd say all over ninja as its cheaper and the necromancer class is based around the pet the ninja class is based around you killing the enemy

How do you be a ninja in aqw?

You go to BattleOn and click enhancements on the right side of the screen and click hybrid and then click hybrid again then click go there and buy the ninja class armor from the lady standing there.

The best attacking class in aqw?

Vindicator of they Dragonlord Ninja Chrono(corruptor)(mancer) (Beta) Berserker Necromancer Troll Spellsmith Horc Evader

How do you get passed the turrets before they shoot you in aqw?

Either get two people to turn them off for you or use Ninja class and use the Thin Air ability.

How do you pass the turret defenses with out a rouge class in aqw?

Get two other people to deactivate both turrets for you and run past or try using Ninja's Thin Air

Where do you get dwarfhold class on aqw?

thers no such class

Is there any cool ninja armor in aqw?

Ninja armor, Zero armour or something like that. Just explore

Is dragonlord the best class in aqw?

Yes,since it have life stealer healing life and does great damage,it is one of the best class in aqw I would say,other than necromancer and evolved shaman and also undead slayer.but now it not scince ninja,pirate and rouge dodge a lot and hit very fast.

How do you be a knight class in aqw?

THis Class has not been implemented.

What class in aqw is best for nonmember?

oracle class is the best

How do you get ninja class on aq?

you can get ninja class from MAZUMI at greenguardwest it cost 15000 >.>.