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There is a random even that occurs called, "Freaky Forester". The guy in the event will ask you to kill a specific pheasant for him - depending on the number of tail feathers. Once you kill the pheasant and bring it to him, you will be reward with a piece of the Lederhosen outfit. The order of which you receive the clothing is all different but after you do this event three times, you will get the whole outfit.

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Q: How do you get the Lederhosen Hat for RuneScape?
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In RuneScape how do you make a partyhat?

Unfortunately, you cannot make a Party Hat (of any colour). They were given out when RuneScape first came out.

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Please stop begging, and earn your own money on RuneScape.

Is it possible to make a party hat on runescape?

No you can't make party hat on runescape, they were from a Christmas event a long time ago, if you want a party hat you have to buy one from the GE in varrock, although it would be very expensive.

Is it possible to make a party hat in RuneScape?

Lol, no it isn't possible to make party hats on runescape, sadly. They are strictly a discontinued item that was made during the classic times of runescape. They were in "Christmas Crackers" that you popped, and it gave you a party hat.

Can you use shears on a chefs hat on runescape?

no, people may say that it makes a party hat but it doesn't!

Which country has the national dress of Lederhosen?

Germany. Lederhosen are shorts made out of leather.