Between Route 44 and Blackthorn City is a cave with four floors called the Ice Path. On the 1st Floor of the Ice Path, on the other side of the third path of ice you will find HM07 Waterfall.
First go to blackthorn city, once you've complete the gym go to the right path, keep going and enter the cave ice path, go until you find a big patch of ice that takes a while to pass, rocks on each side of path way you need to go to, go right after that, you will have one more thing to do and at the end of it will be HM 07 the waterfall move. You can also just keep on going until you see a man that won't let you by (in the cave) and you have to get his HM he dropped and then go to talk to him and he will tell you to keep it!
Most water type Pokemon can learn the move Waterfall.
squirtlewarturtleblastoisepsyduckgolduckpoliwagpoliwhirlpoliwrathtentacooltentacruelseeldewgonghorseaseadragoldeen seakingstaryustarmiegyradoselaprasvaporeonomanyteomasterkabutokabutopsmewchinchoulanturnmarillazumarillpolitoedquagsireslowkingqwillfishremoraidoctillareekingdrasuicune My Lapras and Gyrados Know the move waterfall
If you help Lance beat Rocket in Mahogany town, you will receive it.
beat volkner then talk to jasmine.
In Pokémon Ruby Sapphire and Emerald versions, HM7 contains the move waterfall. You can find the HM in the Cave of Origin.
In the Ice Path.
Route 18.
It Is Impossible To Move Pokemon, From Pokemon Blue Or Pokemon Silver To Pokemon Platinum Version.
On Pokemon platinum, you cannot move or migrate Pokemon from Pokemon silver or Pokemon blue version. It can only be done from the Gameboy advanced games. Those are Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald version.
Most water type Pokemon can learn the move Waterfall.
squirtlewarturtleblastoisepsyduckgolduckpoliwagpoliwhirlpoliwrathtentacooltentacruelseeldewgonghorseaseadragoldeen seakingstaryustarmiegyradoselaprasvaporeonomanyteomasterkabutokabutopsmewchinchoulanturnmarillazumarillpolitoedquagsireslowkingqwillfishremoraidoctillareekingdrasuicune My Lapras and Gyrados Know the move waterfall
Hm08 is rock climb not waterfall. Hm07 is the move waterfall
HM, Waterfall is in the Ice Cave on Four Island.
HM7 contains the move Waterfall.
jasmine at the beachnorth in sunyshore city.
Try either kingdra or feraligatr, they are absolute pwnage in battle and waterfall is a good move for them
HM08 Waterfall is in the Cave of Origin in Sootopolis City.