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You could only get the movie Regigigas through special Nintendo events or through hacking the event Pokémon or by trading with someone else in order to get it.

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Q: How do you get the 11th movie Regigigas in Pokemon Platinum?
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What is an 11th movie regigigas?

its a Pokemon that you find in the snowpoint city temple but to awaken it you need Regirock, Registeel, Regice.

Do you need 11th movie Regigigas to get the other Regis in Platinum?

Yes, you do need the special movie-event Regigigas or the ones that were distributed across the US in various Toys 'R' Us stores over the Summer of 2009 in order to have a chance to capture Regirock, Regice and Registeel within Platinum.

Where to find a gracidea flower in Pokemon?

First you need to get the Shaymin from the 11th movie mystery gift event. Then (in Diamond/Pearl) go to the flower shop in Floaroma town. talk to one of the girls and she will give you a Gracidea flower. In HG and SS, you need that 11th movie Shaymin and go to the flower shop in Goldenrod city (northeastern house, near corner)

What Pokemon can talk?

Almost all talking Pokémon speak through Telepathy(except Meowth).To my knowledge there are:1. Meowth (Team Rocket - who can forget about him?)2. Lapras (Ash's from the Orange league)3. Mewtwo (1st Movie - the 1 and only)4. Lugia (2nd Movie)5. Slowking (2nd Movie)6. Jirachi (6th Movie)7. Deoxys (7th Movie)8. Lucario (8th Movie)9. Manaphy (9th Movie)10. Darkrai (10th Movie)11. Shaymin (11th Movie)12. Lugia (2nd Movie)from my knowledge:zorua: zoroark the master of illusions

Is caterpie the Pokémon worlds smallest Pokémon?

Given the generation mentioned: Diglett is the smallest Pokemon. Catepie is currently the 11th Smallest Pokemon (along with 41 others.) To date: It's Joltik or the newly announced Flabébé.

Related questions

How do you get all the regies Pokemon Platinum?

you can use cheats or have a regigigas from the 11th movie

Where do you get the regis in Pokemon platinum?

Iron Island,Route 228,Mt.Coronet Registeel,Regirock,Regice But That's Only If You Have The 11th Movie Regigigas.

How do you get regice in Pokemon platnium?

If you have transferred the Regigigas that you obtained from the 11th movie over to Platinum and have it on your team, then you can encounther Regice in Iceberg Ruins (Mt. Coronet).

Pokemon platinum .If The Reggis are not in the caves that they are supposed to be in and you have the national Dex and beat the Pokemon ledge what am you doing wrong please answer ASAP?

mate you will have to get the 11th movie regigigas that you get from a Pokemon event in march Thanks 1 more question was it last march or is it going to be this march?

What is an 11th movie regigigas?

its a Pokemon that you find in the snowpoint city temple but to awaken it you need Regirock, Registeel, Regice.

Do you need 11th movie Regigigas to get the other Regis in Platinum?

Yes, you do need the special movie-event Regigigas or the ones that were distributed across the US in various Toys 'R' Us stores over the Summer of 2009 in order to have a chance to capture Regirock, Regice and Registeel within Platinum.

How do you get a shaymin in Pokemon Platinum?

Action Replay Code,Oak's Letter,Trade,11th Movie Shaymin,And That's About It!

How do you transferre regigigas from the 11th film in to pokeon platinum the game and have it on your team?

in the theaters i think you can get it from the mystery gift wireless communication option

What is the 11th Pokemon movie?

The 11th movie is "Giratina and the Sky Warrior"

Do you need the 11th movie Regigigas to get the other Regis in Platinum rather than migrating them from a previous Game Boy Advanced game?

Yes you do need the 11th movie Level 100 Regigias (which was available at Toys 'R' Us stores in early 2009 in the United States and Puerto Rico) in order to be able to catch the Hoenn Regi trio in Pokémon Platinum in the wild. You can migrate Regirock, Regice and Registeel from 1 of the Gameboy Advanced games (Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen and/or Emerald) into your Platinum game in order to catch the regular wild Regigigas that will be at Level 1 in the Snowpoint Temple but that specific Regigigas that is in the Snowpoint Temple will not allow you to catch Regirock, Regice or Registeel in the wild in Platinum.

What was the 11Th Pokemon movie's name?

The 11th Pokémon Movie's name was "Giratina and the Sky Warrior."

When is the 11th Pokemon movie released?

it came out in 2009