You can start by buying seeds for the farm or try impressing a girl
Over 30. SNES Harvest Moon Nintendo 64 Harvest Moon 64 Gameboy Color Harvest Moon GBC Harvest Moon GBC2 Harvest Moon GBC3 Playstation Harvest Moon: Back to Nature Harevst Moon for Girl (Only available in Japanese) Gameboy Advance Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town GameCube Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life Harvest Moon: Magical Melody Playstation 2 Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon Special Edition Playstation Portable Harvest Moon: Boy and Girl Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon Nintendo DS Harvest Moon DS Harvest Moon DS Cute Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands Puzzle de Harvest Moon Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar Harvest Moon: Twin Villages (Only available in Japanese) Nintendo Wii Harvest Moon: Magical Melody Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility Harvest Moon: Animal Parade WiiWare Harvest Moon SNES Harvest Moon: My Little Shop Rune Factory started off as a spin-off of Harvest Moon, but it has separated and become it's own series. So even though there are five Rune Factory games only the first one and maybe the second one count as official Harvest Moon games.
sometimes you get married at the end of the year but sometimes in just a week they get married if that doesn't work try again
I don't get it....the best Harvest Moon game? The best Harvest Moon game is Harvest Moon DS/Harvest Moon DS Cute ...if that's what your asking...
Harvest Moon: DS Harvest Moon: DS Cute Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness Harvest Moon: Sunshine Island Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns (that game isn't out yet. It is set to come out on September 20th 2011) There are also spin off games that aren't like normal Harvest Moon games Puzzle de Harvest Moon Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon Rune Factory is now it's own series and not Harvest Moon anymore. But the first one is still technically a Harvest Moon game.
There are no characters named Nina and Galen in Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl. Nina and Galen appear in Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition, Harvest Moon DS, and Harvest Moon DS Cute.
You can not give your child Toys on Harvest Moon For D.S. or D.S. Cute, But you can in Harvest Moon AWL and ANWL (I think ANWL)
Unlike Harvest Moon AWL you can get toys from van. In both D.S. verisons I'm sorry you can't get toys for your child.
Nothing, She will just come on a random day after you are married.
Nope In the D.S. Games nobody talks. Not even noises like in Magically Melody or AWL
Yes, this game can be found used on online stores and at SOME gamestops.
Slap me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you can, although you can in HM: AWL and the spin offs.
you need to have a kid
You'd have to be more specific on which harvest moon game it is, but to save the cost of the time, On harvest moon tree of tranquility, (and I believe animal parade) you have to wait about 2 months, (after your married) Ex. Married on the 24 of spring, pregnancy will occur on 24 of fall. Now for games like Harvest Moon Ds (and most others for the DS system) You have to keep your spouse happy for like two months, or a year (Dun Dun Duh) which is easy since you just talk to them everyday, Now for like Harvest Moon Save the homeland, You cant get married. If your perhaps playing harvest moon boy and girl (originally back to nature) Then you just gotta wait, for harvest moon awl, and awl (girl version), and let not forget awl se, it'll happen after the 2nd chapter begins. Now for Game boy advance friends of mineral town and girl version you just gotta keep your spouse happy, (I know its like totally a chore now). That's all I can think of, hopefully this long answer provided you with one!
Over 30. SNES Harvest Moon Nintendo 64 Harvest Moon 64 Gameboy Color Harvest Moon GBC Harvest Moon GBC2 Harvest Moon GBC3 Playstation Harvest Moon: Back to Nature Harevst Moon for Girl (Only available in Japanese) Gameboy Advance Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town GameCube Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life Harvest Moon: Magical Melody Playstation 2 Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon Special Edition Playstation Portable Harvest Moon: Boy and Girl Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon Nintendo DS Harvest Moon DS Harvest Moon DS Cute Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands Puzzle de Harvest Moon Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar Harvest Moon: Twin Villages (Only available in Japanese) Nintendo Wii Harvest Moon: Magical Melody Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility Harvest Moon: Animal Parade WiiWare Harvest Moon SNES Harvest Moon: My Little Shop Rune Factory started off as a spin-off of Harvest Moon, but it has separated and become it's own series. So even though there are five Rune Factory games only the first one and maybe the second one count as official Harvest Moon games.
The way to get the blue feather in Harvest Moon AWL is by making one of the girls "fall in love" with you or in other words get the top amount of hearts. When that happens Nick, Nak, and Flak will approach you and give you the flower in a cut scene, unwillingly =D
The only way you can get a second child in Harvest Moon AWL is if you have the game on PS2 and have the Special Edition. The difference between the games is that you can marry Lumina. If you choose to marry Lumina you can have two kids and two kids only.