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Spiritomb may only be found via Dream World (Spooky Manor) or Poké Transfer from a previous generation.

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Q: How do you get spiritomb in Pokemon white?
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Who has spiritomb in Pokemon platinum?

there is spiritomb in pokemon black and white too.There is one person......................................................... Cynthia the champion.

What move in Pokemon white can easily beat Spiritomb?

Well, Spiritomb isn't weak to anything since it's a Ghost/Dark type. Try using Pokemon with high power moves. Spiritomb is not weak to: Fighting, Normal, Psychic, and Poison.

Can you catch Spiritomb in Pokemon white version?

No but you can get it from the dream world. By going to Spooky Manor

Is the Pokemon spiritomb only a girl?

no. you can get male spiritomb.

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Is Spiritomb a legendery Pokemon?

no it is not

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What is super effective on Spiritomb in Pokemon black and white?

Just hit it with super powerful moves and hope for the best.

Where do you get Spiritomb on Pokemon?

Spiritomb is unavailable in any games from Generation I, II, and III.

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