Through the safari zone after the National Dex. However, you need to have the peak section available for you to visit. With that open, place down 18 water objects and then wait forty days. You can also transfer from the GBA series or from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.
Spheal is a Water and Ice type pokemon.
Spheal can be found in Undella Bay while surfing during the winter.
Spheal cannot be captured in Firered as it's exclusive to the Hoenn region. Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald version can capture Spheal in Shoal Cave.
To find spheal you have to go to mossdeep city. then go north then surf and go straight up until you see an opening to a cave. and there is alot of spheal and zubats in there
Yes. You just have to level the Spheal up again and it will evolve!
Spheal evolves into Sealeo
after getting the national pokedex go to the peak area in the safari zone and play at it for a few days (not in a row) and then put 13 water objects ;)
Spheal is a Water and Ice type pokemon.
Yes spheal can learn dive as well as its evolved forms
Spheal can be found in Undella Bay while surfing during the winter.
Spheal cannot be captured in Firered as it's exclusive to the Hoenn region. Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald version can capture Spheal in Shoal Cave.
To find spheal you have to go to mossdeep city. then go north then surf and go straight up until you see an opening to a cave. and there is alot of spheal and zubats in there
Spheal is #363 in the national pokedex, and it is a Ice-Water type Pokemon.
Spheal evolves at level 32 into Sealeo. Then it evolves again into Walrein at level 44.
spheal evolves at level 32 into sealeo and at level 44 into walrein
Yes. You just have to level the Spheal up again and it will evolve!
Go to Dark Island and find a female Spheal. The spheal might be holding the leftovers.