You can't find Shaymin directly in Heart Gold, you'll have to trade your Shayim from Pearl/Diamond/Platinum onto your Heart Gold/Soul Silver.
It needs to touch a Gracidea, which is a flower that can be bought from the Goldenrod Flower Shop. That is semi-correct. If you bring an event shaymin (not a hacked wild shaymin) to the Goldenrod Flower Shop as the lead Pokemon in your party the girl will give you the Gracidea.
There is no best Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold.
Shaymin cannot evolve.
there is no Pokemon Mansion in Heartgold.
sorry, shaymin is not in heartgold or soul silver, except there is a glitch way to get it like i did, first go to newbark town then go to prof elms lab, talk to him twice then quickly press AAAXYXYYX this will get you in to a automatic battle with shiny shamin level 64 you will also notice there are 99 masterballs in your bag, use one and it will stay at 99 for the rest of the game, this means iffinite masterballs. please not if you chose todadile or chicorita and you are not aloud to have been to mr pokemons house, enjoyYou cant. Sorry. *shaymin*You'll need to trade it over from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum. Shaymin is unobtainable in game play in Pokemon can get pie
Shaymin Isnt In HeartGold,You must Go to the Special Event or Get an Item For you can get Shaymin,You may also Trade it At the Global Center.
you cant catch shaymin is hgss ); sorry. LOL
u cant jackass
You can get it in Pokemon heartgold up the belltower ( but make sure you have a lv. 100 raikou
You can't catch Shaymin in Heart Gold or Soul Silver; it's an event Pokemon from Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. You have to transfer Shaymin from those games to have it.
If you mean Shaymin, than go to Super Cheats... they have lots of codes!
It is unavailable in heartgold/soulsilver. You must trade from diamond, pearl, or platinum.
You can't get Shaymin in Heartgold and/or Soulsilver without cheats.
It needs to touch a Gracidea, which is a flower that can be bought from the Goldenrod Flower Shop. That is semi-correct. If you bring an event shaymin (not a hacked wild shaymin) to the Goldenrod Flower Shop as the lead Pokemon in your party the girl will give you the Gracidea.
Shaymin does not evolve in Pokemon Diamond.
you get shaymin in Pokemon pearl by a event comming soon.
you can only do it on diamond,pearl,and platinum.