To get the series 2 of moshi missions on Moshi Monsters, click on the map and you will see the Observatory glowing and flashing red. Click on the observatory and it will lead you to the first mission of series 2. :)
Season 2 of the Super Moshi Missions has started!
You have to wait until Season 3 Super Moshi Missions are released. Currently (July 2012) Moshi Monsters is releasing Season 2 of Super Moshi Missions.
Super Moshi Missions are given to you by the Elder Furi in the Super Moshi HQ, which is located in the Volcano. Missions are where you and your monster solve clues to save Monstro City. Super Moshis collect a reward when they have completed the missions. They are available for Members only.You have to complete each Super Moshi Mission before you can start the next one.Mission 2: Voyage Under Potion Ocean105: Wurley the Twirly Tiddlycopter [Techies]
Captain Squirk is a Zoshling and captain of the Rhapsody 2 UFO. Zoshlings are characters in the Super Moshi Missions and are not collectible in the Moshi Monsters game.
The sereis 2 missions have come out and when u finish mission 1 series 2 you will get a moshiling but i dont know when mission 2 series 2 is coming out for series 1 they came out around the time as the new moshi monsters magazine did so i think we will have 2 wait till the new mag :add me poppet123988 and some1 else who did the answer clarissa7978
go to Moshi monsters wiki and put missions series 2 dates on serch box and it will show u the dates on I think
Season 2 of the Super Moshi Missions has already started. Each mission will be released one at a time, about one each month.
Moshi Monsters Season 2 Super Moshi Missions were released during 2012.
Season 2 of the Super Moshi Missions has started!
The first Super Moshi Mission for Series 2 has been released. Super Moshi Missions are usually released about every 5 weeks. Watch the Daily Growl for more information.
No, only the 10 Season 1 Super Moshi Missions are available in the Volcano on Moshi Monsters. There is also a link to the Season 2 Super Moshi Missions.
Go to the Volcano and find Elder Furi at the Super Moshi HQ. You have to be a paid Moshi Member to complete Super Moshi Missions.
Season 1 Super Moshi Missions are found in the Volcano.Season 2 Super Moshi Missions are found in the Unknown Zone.To get the Season 3 Super Moshi Missions, you have to watch for them to be announced in the Daily Growl. The current Super Moshi Mission or Moshling Adventure will appear in a notice in the upper right hand corner of your monster's room.
You have to wait until Season 3 Super Moshi Missions are released. Currently (July 2012) Moshi Monsters is releasing Season 2 of Super Moshi Missions.
You have to be a member
yes it is in the volcano
So far, Moshi Monsters has had 10 Super Moshi Missions in Season 1 (2011) and 10 Super Moshi Missions in Season 2 (2012). Things seem to be changing for Season 3 (2013) as they are offering Super Moshi Missions and Moshi Adventures. Some of them are available to both paid Moshi Members and free Basic Members. All of the Season 3 Missions have an expiration date and are no longer available after that date.