You need to buy the mission first in the shop the click academy. The you have to get fragments(kind of fragments depends on the 2nd job weapon of the specific charcter)(anywhere on bermesiah continent) and Orc Iron Medals(by killing the orc general in Orc Temple 3 stars)
how to kack in grand chesr
No not really
Send a 1:1 Appeal -GM_Raven
Hi!~ ^_^ I need a account with a high level Amy, from Grand Chase ! Anyone give me for free?:) Thx!
The current max level for Grand Chase is 80.
its hard to use but if u go on grand chase i think ryan's fourth job already came out lol
Mari's fourth job from Grand Chase.
If the character's fourth job is released, you can buy it with GP in the 'Academy' tab in the Shop. You need level 40 to change to fourth job. Level 30 is third job. Level 20 is second.
No! It's Abbys Knight! The fourth job of Ronan!
You cant get skills on any characters 2nd job unless u have dio then you can get 2nd job skills.
There is no Australian Grand Chase but Aussies can play NA Grand Chase which is what I do.
grand chase cheats
To find grand chase, go to
Grand Chase happened in 2003.
no grand chase is a game its really cool
Grand Chase was created in 2003-08.
Go to Grand Chase, then just Login.