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First, you have to get a bagon ( can be obtained on route 210 with the poke radar ) .Then, you train it to level 30 and it will evolve into shelgon. Finally, raise shelgon to a level 50 and he will evolve into salamence.

Hope this helps!!:)

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Get a shelgon at level 50.

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Q: How do you get salamance in Pokemon platinum?
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What level does shelgon evolve Pokemon platinum?

it evolves to salamance\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ it evolves at lvl 50

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i think salamance is better at fighting because my salamance is one of my strongest pokemon.

Where at in Pokemon Platinum can you find salamence?

you cannot find one in Pokemon platinum u have to either trade from a friend or download from a gba game that has a salemance at pal park Or if you want it simple then you catch a Bagon and evolve it into a into a shelgon and to my calculations it evolves into a Salamance -ShinyPonyFriends

How to catch bagon in platinum?

cant he has to be traded (same with shelgon and salamance)

How do you catch a salamance in Pokemon ruby or sapphire?

you cant. the only way to get one is to get a bagon and raise it to a salamance.

Is it easy to train Bagon to Salamance?

sort of, it needs lots of exp to level up but salamance is a good pokemon.

How do you get the Pokemon Salamance in Pokemon Platinum?

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> << Anywayz you can't get it by trying to find it or it's evolutional chain members. You have to trade in and migrate. (For me, I did migrate to diamond from emerald then trade diamond to platinum) I did a lot more work, lol

Where do you find a salamance in Pokemon Black?

trade it from white

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