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You click on home, then go onto your diary (at the bottom of the page), then there are tabs on the side of the diary click on the lightening bolt shaped 1. that is the recycle button and you can pick whatever you want to recycle. every time you recycle something you get a certain amount of points and when you get 1000 points you get a free gift! hope that's helped! :)

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4y ago
I was curious if possible I have 2 pets I need to get rid of one I'm on mobile so it may be harder to do it can someone help me out with this I can't feed or wash my other pet

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Q: How do you get rid of pets on Movie Star Planet?
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You can't sell clothes on movie star planet. However, you can 'recycle' them for green points. Once you have 1000 points, you may trade them in for a gift. To do this, click on the button 'My Profile'. Then, click on the green circular arrow on the end and begin 'recycling' your clothes! Hope this helped?

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