You press Ctrl+Shift+C and then type TestingCheatsEnabled True (if it says command is not recognized try it without the capitals) You then go to the grave of the ghost you want to delete and then Shift+Click the gravestone and then press delete. You can also Shift+Click the ghost Sim and then press delete and this also works with deleting normal Sims as well.
You will need to download the Sims 3 Nude Patch to remove the blur.
go to the graveyard after dark, you have to catch the actual ghosts(the ones that are like transparent sims, not the spirits that look like halloween ghosts)
You can't
Put them in your yard and every now and then they will come out.
Get rid of any tombstones or urns you may have. You can use a cheat to delete them, or you could have your Sims to move out of the house they currently live in. Leave the tombstones and urns on the lot. Don't place them in your inventory. When you move out and move back in the tombstones and urns should be gone and no more ghosts should haunt you. You could also try selling the tombstones and urns. Basically, as long as you have these items on your lot, ghosts will continue to haunt your Sims.
Yes, sims can have kids with ghosts and sism CAN die while they are preggers but if you have more then 8 sims at a time be carful becuase they have stuff in our stomick.
you can't have ghosts in sims 2 only in sims 3
no but thee is a code for it
Yes, But It Depends On If There Are Any Ghosts!
Ghosts appear at night at any location that has a gravestone. If you are in the ghostbuster career (requires Sims 3 Ambitions expansion pack), then you will see ghosts at locations that either have a career mission or you can use your scanner once you reach level 10 of the ghostbuster career.
You will need to download the Sims 3 Nude Patch to remove the blur.
You can turn the green on the skin chooser, and make them really distorted, but at the moment we can't really have zombies, but there are ghosts on the sims 3
You cannot turn them into ghosts, but at night sometimes the ghost of that Sim's grave will appear. Happy Siming :)
No spells get rid of ghost. Ghosts are not real and spells are not real.
Sadly no
You can't