Hey!Goooch fake gps ,an app can help you virtual positioning. Come on!Esay to use!
Missingno is a glitch in the Pokemon series. It cannot be gotten rid of. Once it is in your game, it will be there forever.
Glitch for it! On Google type in: Tweaking glitch for Pokemon Platinum. find out how to do it and then Type in: How to get darkrai using the tweaking glitch on platinum.
you cant
i dont think you can without an action replay
Missingno is a glitch and cannot be found with a code
Missingno is a glitch in the Pokemon series. It cannot be gotten rid of. Once it is in your game, it will be there forever.
Glitch for it! On Google type in: Tweaking glitch for Pokemon Platinum. find out how to do it and then Type in: How to get darkrai using the tweaking glitch on platinum.
get off your bumm
you cant
Well, First You Just Turn Off The Power Start A New Game Then, Never Catch A Glitch Pokemon AGAIN Ever Or However You Got The Glitch Pokemon!
no cheat for platinum
i think there is no glitch but cheap looking for it good luck
Then your game probably has a glitch.
I believe it is only a glitch or a hack that should not exist.